Feel like building a city along with your resumé?
If you believe that silos are best left in the barnyard, then we’re on the same page. We believe the best idea wins, and we collaborate
between disciplines while working closely with clients and regulators to create exceptional communities. Our office is also steps away from the finest lattés and craft beer in Dartmouth and just a bike ride from the beach, if you’re into that sort of thing. Which we are.

Available Positions
As a Senior Technologist, you’ll mentor a talented and dedicated team of professionals ensuring production quality and construction methods are held to the highest standards
An artist who's always thinking about design, likes to get their hands dirty and can't turn it off! Architect with experience as a Integrated Design Team Leader and a passion for place-making.
As an Intermediate Technician, you’ll provide professional architectural and planning services to private sector, institutional, and commercial clients.